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hb_hongren_d is possible to be passed. I'm telling you this in case you still think that the map has impossible jumps.
thats too much effort, and you can see some shortcuts on maps page in Shortcut sections or you can watch demo
You should put in the plugin like kz-romania got that shows the shortcuts on maps with arrows and a trail
@Gorbachev_x exactly, segmented run time would be nice to know sometimes :)
@OverjoyedBrass what you are referring to is called a segmented (or TAS in a sense) speedrun. This clock and checkpoint feature you mentioned is extensively used on bhop/surf modes in cs source. It is also available on surf-gateway on 1.6, and it makes practicing maps 1000x better. You really see an improvement with it.
How much effort would be to implement NO-checkpoint time? there would be 2 internal clocks running, 1 as usual.
2: after each checkpoint you save actual time, ON go check you overwrite actual time on 2 clock, after finishing map you can see your real time, and potential time if you did no mistakes and never used gocheck i think it would be nice feature
@OverjoyedBrass resolved issue
lj server down
hello, i joined my own VIp server i jsut launched, and i sent IP to my friend, he joined and can play normally, me: i cannot move, i dont see weapon, /spec /ct doesnt work, reconnect too, what can i do?
aloprando 2 more world records, kz_ew_forsakenmines and kzlu_lunaticblock_e:
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